Client #1
An industrial manufacturer that has a large customer base in a declining market. They had implemented Goldmine but had abandoned the program due to lack of usage by sales reps. I was asked to meet with the entire team to demo Outlook 2007 BCM. During my initial meeting with the business owner, he had shown me a cold call spread sheet he was implementing with his sales force to bring accountability to their daily activities. After explaining my CRM Dilemma research to him, he decided to accept my research and abandon his plan to add activity controls for his sales force. With his acceptance of my research, I was able to design my demo to focus on the following key business problems:
- Knowing the right customers to target
- Knowing when to target them
- Knowing how to reach them
- Knowing the right message for those customers
- Knowing what is going on with your customers
- Easily getting your message to customers
- Gathering and viewing customer feedback
- Linking customer communications to accounts and contacts
- Managing projects internally
- Easily communicating internally that which needs to be communicated, to advance the sale and excellence in customer service
When I presented my Outlook 2007 BCM demo, I also spoke of my research and the agreement by the business owner to not use the system to bring activity controls into the equation. As expected, the response from the sales reps to the demo was very positive. Being suspicious of such feedback, because I know from past experience that sales reps will not reveal their fears about CRM in front of their bosses, I met with each of them individually and as a group after the demo. I assured them our conversations would be kept confidential and I would not share their feedback with management. Although the fear of activity controls was still evident, they all stated that the demo I presented, along with assurances of the system being used for PACT only, gave them confidence the system would actually be a useful tool for them. I feel these conversations illustrate the following important points:
- Never assume the enthusiasm for CRM displayed by sales reps in a group setting, reveals what they are really feeling.
- The suspicion and fear of activity controls by sales reps is not overcome by words alone.
- PACT is much more acceptable to sales reps than traditional CRM
Over the next few days, I will post regarding the other implementations I am involved in.
Great post! Keep up the good posting. I like all the research you've done and the thorough thought you put behind your CRM sales. It's amazing to me the amount of great CRM tools out there that are used for a month or so, then everyone forgets how to use it. I like it!
It's terrific to see your thinking develop from your early posts, Arne.
As you may recall, "we're on the same page on this" as you guys on the other side of the Atlantic like to say :-)
Here's the most recent nugget I myself picked up to further re-inforce your research from a small 8-rep posh office furniture vendor, HQ'd just outside London.
Goldmine bought, quickly abandoned.
Outlook deployed, still each rep neglected to leave visit comments.
Word doc diaries introduced, they failed to get emailed each Friday.
Verbal diaries to be left with secretary for her to fill in, still no takers.
One of my discussions with the main man suggested asking the road reps to document simply two things (and ask them if they would); possible prospect deal-breakers & agreed next actions.
He was amazed when at the next sales meeting they all enthusiastically agreed to do it.
Time will tell of course, but at present it does seem a vindication of your High Card PaCT recommendations.
Keep up the good work big fella!
WOW, I would love to read some more posts if you get this blog back up and running!
Nice post Arne, keep it up!!!
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